• Максим Ломаченко
    UX/UI/Product designer
34 года
2 дочери
Удалёнка или гибрид
Русский / Английский
Лимассол, Кипр
На сегодняшний день мой основной приоритет — это развитие в дизайн-менеджменте и руководство командой профессиональных дизайнеров с "горящими глазами". У меня внушительный опыт работы и скиллов, которые позволяют мне делиться экспертизой и управлять дизайн-виденьем различных продуктов.


  • 2023: Nielsen Norman Group (Training for designers)
    "DesignOps: Scaling UX Design and User Research"
    "Measuring UX and ROI"
    ✅ Сертификаты о прохождении курса
  • 2022: GoPractice (Курс по Продакт-менеджменту)
    "Cимулятор управления ростом продукта"
    ✅ Сертификат о прохождении курса
  • 2016: Нетология
    UX/UI-дизайнер: Продвинутый уровень
    ✅ Сертификат о прохождении курса
  • 2005-2010: Смоленский Государственный Университет (специальность "Менеджмент в рекламной сфере")
    ✅ Средний балл - 4.7/5, диплом с отличием
    • Основатель крупнейшего интернет-форума унивверситета
    • Участник фестиваля "Студенческая весна" на региональном и федеральном уровнях
    • Призер (2 место) во Всероссийской Олимпиаде по маркетингу
2020 - Now
2020 - Now
I have been working at TheSoul Publishing for just over 2 years, during which time I have worked on IOS/Android apps as well as internal services that help manage content, internal communication, and plan various activities. In total, I have participated in the development of more than 7 projects. Unfortunately, I cannot provide a link to my work due to strict NDA conditions, but I can talk about my approaches, frameworks, and personal achievements during the interview.
2018 - 2020
2018 - 2020
At Reg.ru, I maximally developed my product development skills, was a member of two product teams, led the service design team, and promoted design culture within the company. I worked a lot on the design system and process optimization and created a unique simple block system for constructing marketing emails that is still in use today.
Reg.ru is forever in my heart. You can receive more information about my experience there on this page.
2015 - 2018
2015 - 2018
It was my first experience working in a product team. I developed adaptive design for both IOS and Android, as well as building a design system. You can find more information about my responsibilities and achievements here.
Key skills

Fun facts

  • Once, my team and I revamped the interface of one of our services, where users could create collections with different images. Some users didn't like the change so much that they started creating collections with offensive images. We were supposed to react, but the business metrics skyrocketed almost 500%, and the negative feedback eventually dissipated.
  • I take my work very responsibly, try to help my colleagues and automate the work as much as possible. So, one time, in my last working week, I realized that my colleague would have to take on all the work that I had done over the years. Of course, I decided to make a gesture of goodwill and leave gracefully, leaving behind perfectly structured layouts and documentation. In a week, I reassembled and refined more than 200 layouts and interface states.
  • I never abandon products (unless they are protected by VPN or special access), and try to monitor their status over the years. Especially, I am glad that the projects that I am proud of, still work and underwent minimal changes after my departure.
  • As the project progressed, I was faced with the task of creating a new mascot for a new product that the team was working on. Being an avid fan of comics and movies about the Flash, I proposed the idea of a lightning man as the new character. I was thrilled when my suggestion was accepted, and we named the character "Max" in my honor. From that point on, "Max" became an integral part of the project, and I was delighted to have had the opportunity to contribute to its success.
Если вас заинтересовала моя кандидатура, опыт или просто есть вопросы - меня легко найти в Telegram, LinkedIN или по e-mail. А чтобы больше понять, какой я человек - ссылка на мой Инстаграм @lommax_official